Masters Alliance Articles
By J. Allen, Founding Partner
Boards: Get in the Game – Think Differently, Act Differently, Do Things Differently
There is Much More to Fiduciary Responsibility Than You Think
Your Board is always conscious of Fiduciary Responsibility, but if you’ve been in Board Service for very long, we invite you to assess some additional dimensions.
Why does thinking differently matter? Find out.
Succession: As if the future matters
If not better than you, you failed!
The leadership legacy you leave when moving on to your next role is likely to be equal to – or even more impactful than the business strategy you just took 6 months to implement.
We can help you energize a “Strategic Combat” culture during your succession thinking!
Are You a Bucket-Head?
Or Are You In-Touch?
The High Cost of Being Over-Confident and Out-of-Touch
Do you really grasp the importance of being in touch, understand the severity of being out of touch?
Enjoy the freedom of removing the bucket from your head – open up, be surprised by new perspectives, information and opportunities. Experience the release of energy and fading tension. Live more, have more fun, accomplish more… fly a little.
Edgy-Ness: A Fresh, Renewable Source of Business Energy
Edgy-ness, as in teetering, pushing to the limits,
on the brink of something.
Edgy means that we are on the edge of our seats, waiting for what happens next. Not in fear but anticipation, with a true experimental, learn, change, adjust, recover and do attitude – and most importantly, a plan for when it goes even better than our wildest dreams.
Reinvent Now! Customers Don’t Wait for Game-Changing Process
How Bad Do You Feel When Things Don’t Work for Customers?
Do You Take it Personally?
These are “Golden Opportunity” moments – one where your choice of next steps can ultimately result in a very different outcome than any other choice you make.
Leadership Success: Making a Difference “Beyond the Numbers”
Are You Really an Executive Leader?
Are You in Pursuit of an Enthusiastic Organization?
What made you get to the office early, stay late and engage beyond what you ever thought possible? What was that past you thinking, that led to your current you, and will make the difference for the future you?
The Burden of Regret is Greater Than the Risk of Leading!
No matter what level of an organization you work in, every day there are endless opportunities to take meaningful action. We’ve all been there, regretting not speaking up and not engaging, or even not talking to others to get some help in taking action. Maybe we were tired, too busy or legitimately afraid of failing. Take stock in the fact there are a few common-sense principles that help quickly sort out the yin-yang of consequences between taking or not taking action.
Knockout Strategy, But No Bragging Rights?
We all do it. We start the year with the highest optimism that THIS will be the year that we make the breakthrough. THIS will be the year that your killer strategy starts to pay off. THIS will be the year that’s different from the rest. So – how’s it going? Honestly?
Preparing for Strategic Combat
Has your team, collectively and individually, gained sufficient insight into your customers, customer’s customers, suppliers, strategic partners, etc. to identify their problems, opportunities and strategic decision dilemmas? If not, how do you expect to have the insight for strategies that will actually create “market demand?”
Winning in the Marketplace – Exciting Strategies Get Results!
Are you equipped to Out Maneuver the Competition? Are you ready to engage in the multi-dimensional chessboard of the strategic contest? Is your team open to transforming some of your business? Do they feel “ownership” of the outcome?
Internal Customer Service Can be Exhilarating…Or Not!
What’s the greatest “Unsolved Mystery” in business today? It’s not a legendary creature – a Yeti, Loch Ness Monster or other myth – it’s right there – in front of you! And it’s definitely solvable!
Work Harder for Customers Than the Boss? Really?
What if I told you that you may have been wrong about the true connection between employee engagement and great customer service?
Significance: The Secret Sauce
I want to give you, courageous leader, a gift! It’s a “new” way of thinking about work – how you feel about it, how you approach it, and how you make decisions on behalf of your customers.
Speed is Powerful! Don’t Miss the Opportunity!
If the thought of a lasting energy boost, aggressive bias for action, and quick decision making to benefit customers is too uncomfortable, then don’t read this article.
Right vs. Perfect: Does the Pursuit of Perfection Put Blinders on Your Team?
I’ll give you the bottom line at the top of the page: Perfection doesn’t matter if you never get it done. Don’t let Perfect get in the way of Right.
Is There a Skills Gap in the Corner Office?
It remains one of the hottest topics of debate amongst business leaders – specifically how it’s hurting our ability to stay competitive on a regional, national and global platform. You may not be immune.